Freeze the Frosties
Abir Rizwanullah on November 28, 2022
Freeze the Frosties: A simple JS tutorial Intro This guide is on how to make your very own simple JavaScript game (which may or may not be inspired by Whack-a-Mole...). We will only be using HTML, CSS…
Git Tutorial - Longboi Locator
Harry Wickham on November 07, 2022
This is a tutorial on how to use Git and GitHub. In this tutorial, we'll be using the Longboi Locator project as an example. A GitHub account is required to complete this tutorial. Git Tutorial…
NextJS Tutorial 2
Harry Wickham on October 17, 2022
This is the second post in a series of tutorials on how to build a website using NextJS. In this tutorial, we'll be learning a little more about ReactJS and how we can use it within a NextJS project…
NextJS Tutorial 1
Harry Wickham on October 16, 2022
This is the first post in a series of tutorials on how to build a website using NextJS. In this tutorial, we'll be setting up a basic NextJS project, looking at some of its features and then deploying…
Three ways to make the England Flag using CSS
Adam Barr on July 11, 2021
England are in the actually in the final of a major international competition! After 55 years of hurt, England fans prepare to have their hearts broken by an experienced Italian side. And yet, despite…
CSS Shapes - CSS Fight Night
Adam Barr on April 24, 2021
As the night of our CSS Fight Night approaches, you would be forgiven for wanting a leg up on the competition, fortunately for you we will be putting out a series of articles to help you prepare for…
Using the template - CSS Fight Night
Adam Barr on April 23, 2021
In this article we will be working through and example of a challenge that may appear on our CSS Fight Night, going through the steps I recommend to complete the challenge, we will be replicating the…
Downloading the template - CSS Fight Night
Adam Barr on April 22, 2021
One of the first challenges you will encounter when participating in our CSS Fight Night will be downloading the answer template on to your computer. It’s a skill that’s often taken for granted, but…
An ExpressJS Quickstart
Ben Silverman on April 17, 2021
In this post we're going to cover how to create your own local web server using the express package . It's a pretty straightforward process, so let's begin! Setting up our project If you haven't…
Hello, world!
Ben Silverman on March 19, 2020
Hi there, this is the first post on our new blog! I don't have any content to put in it, but hopefully we can use this space for writing and publishing articles that any of our members want to write…